Koren Exec. Search
Director of Sales & Marketing
The Sales Manager will provide leadership and input to develop our sales process, build the sales team and implement a successful effort to lease both vacant spaces and homes in our Mobile Home Parks. Selling Vacancies and growing occupancy is our No. 1 Company Initiative. We will work together to create the scalable sales system and our best practices.
Sales Manager Responsibilities include both Marketing and Sales Capabilities
Build/Manage Inside and Outside Marketing and Sales Staff
- Recruit, Hire & Train qualified salespeople
- Develop Sales Scripts for inside Sales, Outside Sales and On-Site Manager-Sellers
- Monitor incoming telephone sales calls
- Perform random Call backs to prospects and acquire feedback on our sales effort
- Monitor and Train On-Site Manager- Sellers
Research, Develop, Implement and Manage the Marketing & Advertising effort for multiple areas including:
- Local Advertising
- Internet Advertising
- Test new or undiscovered opportunities and see how they perform using the sales call log and prospect score card.
- Dealership Programs and Relationships